Friday, April 3, 2009

Compass, Maps and Education!

Integration is definitely the word of the day in any education plan.The tool Google Maps is very useful in this sense. Of course the tool is really useful for one make accurate maps, find routes, calculate distances and so on. However the Google Maps could be also really interesting as a integration tool.For instance, students could share not only their locations in the Earth, but also attach the history of the places by personalized texts, pictures and, even better, videos.As an example I created a map the show a bunch of importants places in São Paulo city.

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By mixing culture and entertainment, the virtual traveler is invited not only to know places but also learn from the material attached to each location.The uses are unlimited,, just to give an example one could teach Math, history and geography just creating a map about the travels that Tales de Mileto did or even creating a fictcious trip passing by key points in the history of the Math.Create a personalized map is far to be difficult. Just following the video-tutorial everyone is able to create easily and fast a map with many and cool features.Use you imagination and go mapping!

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