Monday, February 23, 2009

RSS Feeds - Create your own Newspaper

RSS is an amazing technology and very useful in elearning systems.Basically, RSS Feeds is a toll that allow to receive updates automatically from a list of websites and/or blogs into one single place!
One way to do that is creating a Google Reader Account and "feed" it with your favorite websites/blogs that provide "feeds" (you can know that just checking the RSS symbol in your browser).
Actually you can create your own newspaper!
In my case I use the RSS Feeds to follow the Financial news and the latest developments in Technnical Analysis.
The aplications are unnumerable and, indeed, I plan use that technology in my futures Technical Analysis Course, in order to aggregate relevants informations and provide them to my students from a single place.
Feel free to consult my public folder about Technical Analysis and/or follow the latest updates in the widget Learning Technical Analysis in the left side.